Victoria Quay harbourcam
See the fantastic panoramic 360-degree view from our state-of-the-art camera mounted on top of the Signal Station on Fremantle Ports' Administration Building on Victoria Quay. See the ships visiting the Fremantle Inner Harbour plus sunsets and sunrises. You can zoom in and out, go back in time and create your own slide shows. The camera is updated with a still image every 5 minutes and updates on the page regularly.

Cantonment Hill harbourcam
Mounted on top of the Fremantle Sea Rescue Marine Operations Centre on Cantonment Hill, set back from the Fremantle Inner Harbour, this harbourcam provides a different perspective looking west over the harbour and out over the Indian Ocean, as well as back over the Perth metropolitan area. The camera is updated with a still image every 5 minutes and updates on the page regularly.
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