Committed to supporting education and youth programs
Our support for education is focused on information, careers and mentoring. We want to develop the long-term understanding and support of port operations and recognition of the important role they play economically and as the backbone of the State. Our program aims to deliver improved education opportunities for students through identifying areas of special interest.
Visiting the port
The Port of Fremantle offers students a learning experience they will enjoy. Students can witness Western Australia’s trade window to the world in operation daily from one of the many vantage points along Victoria Quay. A visit to the port can also be combined with a visit to the Western Australian Maritime Museum. We offer on-site educational activities, such as presentations, on request and subject to availability of staff. School groups are also encouraged to book for a Port Walk. (See our Events page.) For career-focused secondary or tertiary groups, we can include mentoring sessions. (Fremantle Ports has Public Liability Insurance. For information on the Victoria Quay emergency plan, see the Safety and Environment Induction Handbook.)
Investment in education and youth
We are keen to form partnerships and work with schools and organisations in the Fremantle, Cockburn, Kwinana, Rockingham and wider community area to support education and to increase understanding of the role of the maritime industry and the port. We provide support for schools in key areas of mutual interest, such as environmental sustainability and key learning areas.
Our commitment to maritime studies
We work with schools from Fremantle to Rockingham that offer a maritime studies program. The program provides suitably interested and capable students with a springboard to explore aspects of the marine environment which link into an understanding of maritime-related vocations. Rockingham Senior High School and Fremantle College have maritime studies programs.
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