Incident at Kwinana Bulk Jetty landside operations
Update: 14 February 2024.
Fremantle Ports is pleased to advise that berth operations have recommenced at the Kwinana Bulk Jetty this morning, following the fire at its landside operations on Friday, 9 February.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our customers for their understanding and cooperation during this time.

Update: 14 Feburary 2024.
Fremantle Ports is pleased to advise that berth operations have recommenced at the Kwinana Bulk Jetty this morning, following the fire at its landside operations on Friday, 9 February.
We would like to acknowledge and thank our customers for their understanding and cooperation during this time.
Update 12 February 2024.
Following the fire at the Kwinana Bulk Jetty landside operations on Friday, a structural assessment has determined the main damage is to the import system conveyor, associated transfer towers and a shed leased for the storage of fertiliser.
With safety as a continuing priority, planning is underway to recommence shipping operations this week, subject to a number of assessments and conditions being satisfied.
Fremantle Ports will provide its customers with progress updates and advise when berth operations can resume.
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