Fremantle Ports invests in safety and efficiency with fendering upgrades delivered by local First Nations business partners

The important upgrades represent a $5 million investment in
facilities at H Berth on Victoria Quay, and were delivered by principal
contractors CareyMC who are part of the Carey Group, a leading First Nations-run
mining, civil, construction and training company based in Western Australia.
Much like the bumper bars of a motor car, port ‘fenders’ buffer ships as they berth,
making it easier and safer for crews to come alongside, tie off and unload
their cargo.
The project is a practical example of how Fremantle Ports is
living up to commitments made in its Reconciliation Action Plan 2023-24,
launched in May, while delivering on its strong commitment to efficient
operations and safety for staff, contractors and all port users.
Fremantle Ports CEO, Michael Parker said he was very pleased with
the leadership shown by the project team which oversaw the replacement of
fenders that had been in place for over 50 years.
“H Berth is one of the busiest berths in the Inner Harbour and is the main
berth to receive RoRo (Roll-on Roll-off) vessels, which carry cars and
machinery. This important renewal will prevent the risk of damage to the berth
structure and vessels during berthing, and ensure we are equipped to handle the
higher berthing forces applied by modern day vessels,” Mr Parker said.
Mr Parker thanked CareyMC for partnering with the port to make the improvements.
He highlighted that CareyMC were the most qualified and price-competitive
bidders for the project and said Fremantle Ports was delighted to offer the
work to a firm led by First Nations people.
Carey Group CEO, Moses Panashe said it was pleasing that
the works were delivered safely and on time.
“Our team worked closely with the Fremantle Port team to
minimise impact on operations.
We are grateful to Fremantle Ports for the opportunity for CareyMC to work on
this project and demonstrate its capability in this area and look forward to
the prospect of working with Fremantle Ports in the future”, Mr Panashe said.
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